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Don't want to be on anyone's list?

Well, this is the place where you can register your details to inform any minervamail list owner not to email you. When minerva mail subscribers do their mailings, the system will first check to see if any unauthorised email addresses are listed within their list. If there is a match, then the minerva mail subscriber is informed that their email was not sent.

This service not only protects you, but also the business owner who has subscribed to minerva mail. This ensures that no one is wasting your time.

To register, simply enter your details below. You will be sent an email that will ask you to click on a website address that will ensure that you have given authorisation to remove your name from any minervamail list.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address: 

If you have any questions, please email us or call on +64 9 366 6073. Your details will not be sold or passed onto any other organisations, except for the likes of other email opt-out registries to ensure your details are removed from other mailing lists outside of minervamail.