New Zealand Bulk e-mail marketing software:
There are a number of strategies you can use to ensure your bulk e-mail marketing campaign is successful. The following is a condensed version of our tips. Be sure you check out our resource section for further tips and suggestions.
Strategy 10: Maintaining & Nurturing Your Customers using bulk e-mail marketing software:
Acquiring customers is more expensive than retaining them. It makes sense to treat the customers you have now - well.
The 4 most common ways of retaining customers:
1. Customer relationship email eg sneak previews, announcements, special offers, members only offers, coupon offers surveys, discussion, holiday/timely updates and promotions
2. Email Newsletters
3. Reminder service
4. Loyalty programs - step-up limited time offer, frequent flyer concept - the more you buy the more you etc - friend get friend. Rewards - free gifts, free or discounted products or cash.
Minerva Mail is e-mail marketing software developed by Webenz in New Zealand.
Create The Winning Email List | Invite People To Opt-In To Your Email Marketing List | Make It Easy To Get Off Your Email List | Bulk Email Marketing Software Offering Choice In Design & Technology | Top 17 Tips To Writing Direct Email Marketing Copy That Sells | Always Personalise Your Campaign | Test & Test Again | When Should I Send It? | Links | Analysing & Responding With Ease | Maintaining & Nurturing Your Customers