E-mail marketing software campaigns:
There are a number of strategies you can use to ensure your e-mail marketing software campaign is successful. The following is a condensed version of our tips. Be sure you check out our resource section for further tips and suggestions.
Strategy 2: Invite people to opt-in to your list:
There are two ways of asking for permission:
1. (Opt-In) Mechanism A checkbox that asks for your permission to receive email. A good practice is to ensure the checkbox is left empty forcing the recipient to make the decision.
2. (Double)-Opt in or Confirmed Opt-in. A checkbox that asks for your permission to receive email AND a confirmation of your interest usually by some form of reply. This ensures a better and loyal audience.
This allows you the sender to:
· Check that you've received a valid and active email address
· Confirm with the owner of that email address that it's still okay to receive email from you.
Make opt-in or permission based email easy to find and accessible. eg on every page of your website.
No matter how easy you make it for people to subscribe to your e-mail marketing software list, no one will subscribe unless you provide an incentive. To acquire new customers there are 2 types of incentives/offers:
1. The lead generation offer
2. The sales offer
Generating leads typically entice your prospect with something for free. You need to make sure the gift is something you can afford to give-away and if it's too appealing, it may reduce the need for your new leads to make a future purchase.
For a sales offer you could perhaps offer for example the limited time use of downloadable software OR discounts eg cash discount or sale with a reason or season.
Create The Winning Email List | Invite People To Opt-In To Your Email Marketing List | Make It Easy To Get Off Your Email List | Bulk Email Marketing Software Offering Choice In Design & Technology | Top 17 Tips To Writing Direct Email Marketing Copy That Sells | Always Personalise Your Campaign | Test & Test Again | When Should I Send It? | Links | Analysing & Responding With Ease | Maintaining & Nurturing Your Customers