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Direct email marketing campaign:

There are a number of strategies you can use to ensure your direct email marketing campaign is successful. The following is a condensed version of our tips. Be sure you check out our resource section for further tips and suggestions.

Strategy 5: Top 17 Tips To Writing Copy That Sells On Your Direct Email Marketing Campaign:
1. Be yourself - have a conversation
2. Be clear and concise
3. Be available - your customer service policies
4. Be a clock-watcher - act now, later, limited time
5. Make it easy for people to purchase from you
6. Proof-read, edit and, break-up sentences
7. Keep it clean - lots of white space and line breaks
8. Get to the point - only 15% of web users read all email messages
9. Target your message to the right audience
10. State your benefits clearly and early
11. Give it the right personality
12. Make the subject line compelling & prompting readers to want more with a teaser
13. Stay away from overused hard-sell talk; speak to them in a one-to-one style
14. Keep the column width narrow. Text messages should be no more than 65 characters across
15. Single space within paragraphs. Double space between
16. Work on rhythm eg do use incomplete sentences and phrases
17. Use capitalisation, italics, bold and asterisks

Create The Winning Email List | Invite People To Opt-In To Your Email Marketing List | Make It Easy To Get Off Your Email List | Bulk Email Marketing Software Offering Choice In Design & Technology | Top 17 Tips To Writing Direct Email Marketing Copy That Sells | Always Personalise Your Campaign | Test & Test Again | When Should I Send It? | Links | Analysing & Responding With Ease | Maintaining & Nurturing Your Customers